About 📝

ChromeGPT is a browser extension available here, that lets you chat with OpenAI’s GPT from anywhere on the web. You will need an OpenAI API key for this extension to work, see below for instructions on retrieving that.


How Do I Use ChromeGPT 🧑🏻‍🏫

  1. Install the extension here.

  2. Sign up or login to your OpenAI account here to retrieve your API key. Once you are signed in, click your user icon and click “View API Keys”. Save your API key somewhere safe because you can only view it once.

  3. When you are ready to use ChromeGPT, open the extension and paste your API key into the API Key field. Hit “send”. Now you can chat with GPT. When you are done chatting with GPT, close out of the extension. The next time you open the extension, you won’t need to re-send your API key and can begin chatting immediately.

Updates 💾

Version 1.0.1 has been approved by Google. Users will no longer need to re-enter and re-send their API Key each time they open ChromeGPT. Users who installed version 1.0.0 can make sure they’ve got the update by going to their extensions manager and selecting the “update” button.

ChromeGPT is live on Product Hunt! 😺

ChromeGPT - Chat with GPT from anywhere on the web! | Product Hunt